The name of this blog was chosen as a play on the word "simplicity". However, it might surprise people who live in an urban setting that country living is anything but simple.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It was a busy ... and fun ... weekend
When I go, that's what I want ... a party just like Jeanine's. There was barbecue, desserts, drinks and beer. A lot of pictures and remembering times with Jeanine ... and a lot of laughter and no tears. I know Jeanine was looking down lifting a glass of beer going "yeah!"
Afterwards the four of us drove back here to visit with Jeanine's family for a bit, then we headed for the bar to celebrate Jackie's birthday, which was last week. Jackie and I don't drink, but the guys enjoyed a few beers, well maybe more than a few.
I even "played" a game of darts with Pat as my partner. Although "playing" might be too generous of a word for what I was doing. Pat kept telling me that we needed a 16 or 19 or whatever number. I don't think I ever managed to get through to him that I was doing good to get my darts to stick in the center of the target ... anywhere in the center of the target. It was only the third time I have ever thrown darts in my life. Nevertheless, due to Pat's champion dart throwing, we actually did win at least one game.
After darts Jackie and I played pool ... while the guys caught up on their beer and shared some "conversation". Now pool is right down my alley. However, I'm horribly rusty. I haven't played in over 15 years. It's hard to believe that I once owned my own cue stick (lost in one of my moves) and used to play pool on an almost daily basis in my 20s and early 30s. I used to be quite good at one time ... something I'm not right now, at least not on a bar pool table (I used to play regulation tables and there is a difference).
As always, the day spent with our friends was full of laughter, although the biggest laugh came when we arrived home after midnight. In matter of fact, Jackie called today and we shared a laugh as we remembered what happened. Jackie and I helped Pat out of Bob (their affectionate name for their vehicle) at the end of the evening. Suddenly Pat started going backwards and Jackie and I grabbed for his each of his arms. At one point Pat was leaning at about a 45 degree angle before Jackie and I managed to get him upright. He called out to Jim that he had been floating and two angels lifted him, LOL.
With that kind of day on Saturday, Sunday was a bit slower. Even though I didn't drink, I was still moving a bit slow after such an eventful Saturday. Pat and I did do some work out in the yard ... getting ready for Spring planting.
Monday was my usual hectic day full of errands and chores. I fell into an exhausted sleep much earlier than usual ... which is where I'm headed right now.
Friday, March 13, 2009
This and That ... otherwise know as the ramblings of a tired woman.
I made it through another Thursday (cleaning day). Cleaning is not one of my favorite things to do. I mentioned earlier that my grandmother took care of the cooking for my parents. She also kept house for them. When she died when I was 8, the cleaning also fell to me. At 8, I did the laundry, made beds, mopped, vacuumed and all the rest of the cleaning chores that comes with a large house. I distinctly remembering wishing I was outside wandering in the woods then too, LOL.
Tux had me a bit worried tonight. Most of the time he shows up right after Pat leaves for work, but he didn't show up until around 10:30 tonight. He was extra affectionate after he ate. I think he just wanted me to hold him and warm him up a bit. It's freezing outside!
When I took the trash out tonight, I noticed that the lilacs are starting to put on leaves. I hope they don't get frost bit. The tulips are really coming up and filling out. One or two look like they will start putting on blooms, maybe next week when it warms up a bit. I can hardly wait. Hurry spring!
I'm looking forward to the weekend. We will be spending some time with friends of ours, Jim & Jackie, on Saturday, which is always fun. It never fails that time spent with them is full of laughter. I can't count the times that I have laughed until tears filled my eyes when we have been together ... usually over the antics of Jim & Pat. Those two guys are so funny when they get together.
Pat should be home from work in about an hour. Since it's getting a bit chilly in here, I think I'd better go check the woodburner one more time before he gets home.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Homeless Animals ... a sign of the poor economy.
Unfortunately, in these economic times, it happens too frequently these days and it is heartbreaking instead of funny. These past few months, Pat & I are seeing more and more animals, cats and dogs, roaming around the area of our home and the park. People with no way to care for their animals and no place to take them are dumping them in the country and they are turning wild.
Right now we have any number of wild cats around the property. Every time I see one hanging out in front of the bird feeders, I'm running it off. All I have to do is step outside and the cat is off like a shot. They are totally feral.
I know what Pat wants to do, but it breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes. I love animals so much that it hurts me to even consider killing one. However, there isn't any animal control out here and these animals are not pet material. If I could tame some and find them homes, I would do so, but I don't think it is possible with these cats. They are just too wild. If I trapped them and hauled them deeper into the park, I'm sure the park rangers would destroy them. There just isn't any good solution that I can see.
I know that if left to their own devices, we will soon see the cats become diseased and full of fleas and ticks. I'm sure the coyotes and other preditors will get some of them, but there will still be too many and it will soon effect the wildlife in the area ... birds, squirrels, mice ... and the balance of nature will be thrown off.
Loverboy was unique ... almost like a dog. He would follow me around and was one of the most affectionate cats that I ever owned. He was always by my side wherever I was and always quick to pat me on the shoulder or my knee (whatever he could reach) when I was ignoring him. I'd pick him up and give him a belly rub (something most cats won't tolerate) and he would "kiss" my nose in thanks.
Amidst my turmoil over the wild cat situation, one thing has emerged to cheer me. About 10 days ago, I spotted a black cat near Loverboy's grave. The next day when I was throwing scraps into the compost pile, it came right up to me. He looked a bit beaten up, probably from fighting other cats, so I didn't try to pet him at the time, thinking he was just another wild cat. However, the next day he came right up to me and let me pet him.
However, Pat is not in the least enamored of Tux, which means that I'll have to see if I can find someone to adopt Tux. At least I'll be able to save one cat out of the many. I've already asked one person if they would give Tux a home. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy him and his sweet loveable nature. If I do find him a home, I'm going to miss him.
I learned to cook when I was about 8 years old. Up until that time, my maternal grandmother cooked for my mother, father, brother and I. When cancer took her, someone had to step up to the plate (or the stove in this instance) and feed the family. Since my mother didn’t cook, the job fell to me and I took to it immediately as it appealed to both the right (analytical in following recipes) and left (creative) sides of my brain.
At 8 years of age, I couldn’t even reach the sink. I was always small for my age. My parents had to have a box built which I would drag around the kitchen in order to reach the sink, reach the cabinets or see the top of the stove. Of course, I still am rather tiny, according to Pat. He lovingly calls me a midget because at 6 foot 1 inch, he is a head taller than my 5 foot 1 inch frame.
My aunt loved to cook and often shared her recipes and the fruits of her labors. Some of my happiest memories throughout much of my life were times spent at her house and in her kitchen. There was always an abundance of food, lovingly prepared to feed those who came through her doors. If anyone ever left her house hungry, it was his or her own fault. More often than not they would leave with an extremely full belly.
With my aunt as a role model, I quickly became adept at the art of cooking, and, by extension, filling those that I loved and cared for full of food that was lovingly prepared just for them.
I’ve always been a firm believer that anyone can learn to cook. I’m sure you have had people tell you that they “can’t even boil water”. If anyone tells me that, they will get a “look”. After all, you know that is not true … you put water in a pan and turn on the burner and it will eventually come to a boil. Since they CAN boil water, they can also make hard-boiled eggs, spaghetti and any number of other foods that need to be boiled to be prepared.
It doesn’t matter if a person is “right brained” or “left brained”, cooking can appeal to one or both sides of the brain. Recipes are made to follow step by step, but a more artistic approach can be added to create something a bit different from the same recipe (something I do all the time). The hardest thing about cooking is the timing … making sure everything comes done about the same time … and it can only be learned with practice.
Unfortunately even the best cooks seem to have off days. I seem to be having an off WEEK. I barbecued pork steaks (inch thick ones) on Monday and made fried chicken on Tuesday, both weren’t quite done in the center. The pork stir-fry (using a left-over DONE pork steak) that I did on Wednesday turned out great. However, I’ve been later and later with meals all week. I don’t know if it is the time change or what, but I don’t seem to have lunch on the table until late these days. I guess even if you do something for 43 years, you still sometimes get your “timing” off.
Still, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman … despite any set-backs … everyone CAN cook, if they want to do so. After all, look at all the great chefs that are men and all you have to do is turn on the TV to find any number of cooking shows hosted by both men and women. There is no gender bias in cooking.
I’m not sure about men, but I have a feeling that most women who cook do so for more than just to eat. I read a recent study that discovered the fact that women think about food more than they do about sex. I doubt the same can be said of men. I heard Rachel Ray say on one of her shows that a woman cooks to nurture and to show her love. I know from personal experience that that is very true.
Pat has been the recipient of my love for him and my love for cooking over the past year. It shows a bit, but while it worries him, it makes me feel like he has been enjoying my cooking and, by extension, my love. I love every inch of him and still think he is sexy and a handsome man. Still, if he wants to lose weight, I’ll do my best to support and help him … like try to drag him out on some walks and cut back on the pasta (his favorite). I will also work on my timing, so we have more time together before he has to leave for work.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Where Has a Week Gone????
My plans for last Thursday were derailed due to one of Pat's brothers being hospitalized. We ended up going to St. Louis to visit him, then enjoyed a wonderful meal and time together with some of Pat's family afterwards.
The whole weekend was rather a blur. The weather was pretty nice on Friday and Saturday. I do remember trying to coax Pat into taking a walk on Saturday. I ended up going alone. I missed him beside me, but enjoyed the walk ... filling up my memory chest with things to share with him when I got home. Pat did come out back to the clearning and met me when I was on my way home and I filled my memory chest of time together in a mock sword fight (with walking sticks).
Of course on Sunday we did our ebay business which takes most of the day. Monday was manic. I had more chores on that day than I can now remember ... I knew I should have made a list. However, I do remember getting them all done before I slid exhausted into bed. Yesterday was more ebay ... this time CDs and cleaning up a kitchen that was more of a disaster than usual (I fried chicken). Today has been a more "usual" Wednesday, with just a few ebay chores and my regular chores of kitchen and woodburner.
Even in the hustle and bustle of the days, I haven't failed to notice that the crabapple tree is trying to bud. The maple has red shoots on it and the pear trees look like they are ready to burst into bloom any day now ... even though we just had a bone chilling cold front come through. All of the tulips, crocus and daffodils that Pat and I planted last fall have started to show their leaves above ground ... testing the waters to see if they are safe yet. It won't be long before they are gracing us with their beautiful blooms.
I guess it comes with age, but the days and weeks seem to fly by faster and faster. I just wish Spring would hurry ... but, of course, then I'd be wishing my days away.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
It's been a wearying Wednesday.
Now, before I go on, I don't want anyone to get me wrong. I'm NOT complaining. A lot of the chores I did tonight were chores that I did out of love ... like the cherry pie I baked. I didn't HAVE to do it, but it is one of Pat's favorite pies. I made it so that Pat would have a slice each day (call it a slice of love) to take to work with him in his lunchbox. I also made more suet for my feathered and furred friends. Oh, and by the way, I've got a tip for you there ... don't make it at midnight when you are tired. I had to clean up a mess on the stove afterward (for the second time of the day).
Living in the country (or the city for that matter) there is a list of chores that have to be done every day, no matter what day it is. There is wood to be brought in and the woodburner to keep going. There are meals to prepare and a kitchen to clean. Beds have to be made and animals taken care of, not to mention our Ebay which is pretty much a 7 day a week job, even if we try to end all our auctions on the weekend.
Still I try to keep my "extra" chores down on Wednesday to just a few that I haven't had time for the rest of the week. Unfortunately, this was one of those Wednesdays when I couldn't keep the chores down to anything approaching a "minimum". In matter of fact, I actually had to make a LIST! Believe me, making a list is something that I rarely, if ever do.
My chores tonight started around 3:30 ... right after I waved Pat out of the driveway on his way to work. I took the scraps out to the compost pile. While I was there, I did a bit of searching up the hill for the still missing suet feeder (no luck). I then cleaned out the woodburner and threw a couple more logs on to keep it going. While it got up to almost 60 today, tonight promises to be a bit too cool to let the fire go out. I then grabbed the wheelburrow and headed for the woodpile to bring in some wood. That complete, I headed to the back porch to clean it off. The leaves had been piling up and we spotted a waterbug in the house today.
With most of the outside chores on my list done, I puttered around a bit ... pulling a few weeds that were already coming up in our flower beds. I checked all the tulips, daffodils and crocus to see how they were coming up. I pulled out some of my planters that I had put next to the house in hopes the roots would at least survive and threw some water on them. I pulled the tops off last year's hollyhocks that I had planted around one of our trees and spread some of the seeds around the other trees. I even peeked in the well house to see how our banana tree was doing. Can you tell that I can't wait for spring?
There was still some daylight left, so I took a short break to sit on the rocking chair on the front porch, sip on my soda and watch the birds come in for their last meal of the night. That lasted about 15 minutes.
I went to the shed to get some ribs and pork steaks out of the freezer for Thursday and Friday and closed the shed up for the night. Then it was into the house to get some of my inside chores done ... Ebay, laundry, and cherry pie. I also had to find out where the heck our modem was ... so much for it being here on Monday. I called Hughes today and was told that it had been shipped three or four days ago. Yeah, right. It wasn't even shipped until Tuesday! Hughes!
Before it got too dark, I went out to get the bird feeder in. It seems my bandit did some damage to it last night, which I had to do a quick repair on this morning. I threw some birdseed on the ground for him and there is still some suet he can get, but I'm not letting him tear up the bird feeder. He's adorable, but I can't allow him to tear anything up or Pat might just go after him with the shotgun.
I made the bed, baked the cherry pie, cleaned the stove, did the laundry, cleaned the oven (the cherry pie made a mess), washed the dishes, made the suet, and cleaned the stove again. I did take some breaks and took time to eat, even so I still haven't got my shower.
I had hoped to put the chicken on to marinade for tomorrow, but that is just going to have to wait until I get up in the morning. It promises to be up in the 60s tomorrow and I'm not wasting a nice warm day cooking inside. I'll barbecue.
At least tomorrow is a "light" cleaning day. I did my "heavy" cleaning last week, so a spit and a lick ought to do it ... although I really should do those windows and the sliding glass door that I put off last week when I went wandering through the woods (sighhhhh).
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I went out to put some wood in the woodburner and happened to glance over at the feeder on my way out and saw him. Surprisingly, he didn't run off when I went to the corner of the porch, so I headed back inside and got the spotlight and my camera.
These are of him eating some of the birdseed that he managed to knock out of the bird feeder (no suet tonight, the birds finished it off today). There were a couple of times when he even stood up on his hind legs for me and posed. Unfortunately those photos turned out horrible (yes, even worse than these).
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Thieves & Thorns Update
As usual, I made suet this weekend. I put it out on the porch (in the cold) to harden. I set it right outside my kitchen window. While I was washing dishes, I saw a Titmouse flying onto the porch, which alerted me to what was going on ... a number of my feathered friends couldn't quite wait for it to get done and came in to help themselves. Here is one cardinal that helped himself to some lunch.
I put the suet up this afternoon, before I left to run my weekly errands ... much to their dismay. They really congregated in the tree looking for the pan. If you look real close in the picture below (you might have to click on the picture to enlarge it), there are eight cardinals hanging around looking for the suet.
As for my suet feeders in the tree, one has again gone missing. I went out on Saturday morning to find it gone. It was freezing (literally) this weekend, so now I'm waiting for a little warmer weather to go hunting for it. This time they stole the one that usually hangs over the birdfeeder.
However, the mystery surrounding the thief (or, in this instance, thieves) has been solved.
I rarely walk by the sliding glass doors without looking outside ... night or day. As I walked by on Sunday night, I noticed that the birdfeeder was really swinging ... and I knew there wasn't that much of breeze. I headed for the back room to get Pat's big Black & Decker Spotlight (this thing is heavy and lights up the yard like it's daylight). I crept up to the sliding glass doors and positioned myself and turned the thing on. Not just one, but two raccoons turned to see where the light was coming from.
One raccoon was twice the size of the other. I'm not sure if it was a male with its mate or maybe a mother with an offspring from last year. He/she was so big that I'm going to refer to it as a male for the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would say (God rest his soul).
The light startled them enough that they headed out ... by way of the hill behind the house! I went to the computer room to inform Pat that I now knew the identity of the suet thieves ... raccoons. A little later, I noticed the birdfeeder swinging again, so I once again got the spotlight. It seems that they were hungry enough to decide to ignore the blinding light hitting them in the face.
I watched those two little bandits for quite a while and they gave me more than one or two chuckles. The big one is the climber. He climbed up the tree and got right above the suet feeder that I have hanging on a chain. Hanging down from the limb with his hind feet, he pulled the chain like he was pulling a rope on a bucket up from a well, he pulled the feeder up link by link until he was able to get to the suet feeder. After he was done, he left me a right nice tangle of chain in the branches of the tree.
A little later he climbed down enough and reached over to grab the side of the bird feeder. Hanging onto the trunk of the tree with his back feet, he held the bird feeder with one paw and would reach out with the other to grab a pawful to eat. While he was at it, he dropped a bit down to his accomplice below.
I guess he decided that was a bit too uncomfortable a position, because he climbed up the tree and across the branch that the feeder was hanging on. He then climbed down the hook and rope (head first) until he got to the roof of the bird feeder. He then spread out his belly over the roof (that coon was so big he covered the whole thing) and would reach down to grab a seed to eat at his leisure.
I tried to get pictures, but wasn't quite able to maneuver the camera and spotlight ... not to mention get the settings to work in that kind of light. However, he may be related to this guy who came to eat the corn that we put out in the back clearing for the deer. The picture below was taken last year with Pat's Deer Cam. Oh well, I'm sure they will be back and this time I'll get Pat to help me try to get a picture of the bandits.
And finally, the thorn (Hughes) in my side. I'm not really surprised that we didn't get the modem today. Luckily we've babied the old one along and it's lasted the weekend. I was supposed to call them tonight, but I got busy doing a number of other chores and forgot to call until just a bit ago and I'm just too tired to fight with them tonight.