Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It was a busy ... and fun ... weekend

Which is amazing when you consider we went to a kind of wake on Saturday with Jim & Jackie. A friend of Jim, Jackie & Pat's died several weeks ago of cancer. Jim & Jackie were neighbors of Jeanine for many years and Pat has known Jeanine for over 30 years and even worked with her at one point. Jeanine's family had a "celebration of her life" at noon on Saturday in St. Louis. Jim & Jackie picked us up just after 10:30 for the drive to St. Louis.

When I go, that's what I want ... a party just like Jeanine's. There was barbecue, desserts, drinks and beer. A lot of pictures and remembering times with Jeanine ... and a lot of laughter and no tears. I know Jeanine was looking down lifting a glass of beer going "yeah!"

Afterwards the four of us drove back here to visit with Jeanine's family for a bit, then we headed for the bar to celebrate Jackie's birthday, which was last week. Jackie and I don't drink, but the guys enjoyed a few beers, well maybe more than a few.

I even "played" a game of darts with Pat as my partner. Although "playing" might be too generous of a word for what I was doing. Pat kept telling me that we needed a 16 or 19 or whatever number. I don't think I ever managed to get through to him that I was doing good to get my darts to stick in the center of the target ... anywhere in the center of the target. It was only the third time I have ever thrown darts in my life. Nevertheless, due to Pat's champion dart throwing, we actually did win at least one game.

After darts Jackie and I played pool ... while the guys caught up on their beer and shared some "conversation". Now pool is right down my alley. However, I'm horribly rusty. I haven't played in over 15 years. It's hard to believe that I once owned my own cue stick (lost in one of my moves) and used to play pool on an almost daily basis in my 20s and early 30s. I used to be quite good at one time ... something I'm not right now, at least not on a bar pool table (I used to play regulation tables and there is a difference).

As always, the day spent with our friends was full of laughter, although the biggest laugh came when we arrived home after midnight. In matter of fact, Jackie called today and we shared a laugh as we remembered what happened. Jackie and I helped Pat out of Bob (their affectionate name for their vehicle) at the end of the evening. Suddenly Pat started going backwards and Jackie and I grabbed for his each of his arms. At one point Pat was leaning at about a 45 degree angle before Jackie and I managed to get him upright. He called out to Jim that he had been floating and two angels lifted him, LOL.

With that kind of day on Saturday, Sunday was a bit slower. Even though I didn't drink, I was still moving a bit slow after such an eventful Saturday. Pat and I did do some work out in the yard ... getting ready for Spring planting.

Monday was my usual hectic day full of errands and chores. I fell into an exhausted sleep much earlier than usual ... which is where I'm headed right now.

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