Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thieving Critters

Pat has repeatedly warned me ... everything out in the country will bite you, stab you and/or kick you in the behind (or words something to that effect). I was reminded of his words this morning when I looked outside to see my suet feeders down again.

About 3 weeks ago, I decided that I might save money on suet cakes by making my own. After all, in these economic times, we really need to save as much as we can and I could make them using a lot of stuff that I had on hand or was going to be thrown away if it wasn't used.

As usual, I was wrong again. Oh, I'm sure they are cheaper to make than the store-bought ones, but the fact they are home-made seems to entice all the critters in the area to eat them as fast as I put them up ... hence I'm going through them a lot faster than one a week, like I was using with the store-bought ones.

Birds will literally line up on the branches for a turn at the suet. I've seen as many as 9 male cardinals (and their mates) sitting on the branches of the tree ... waiting somewhat impatiently for a chance at the suet. The titmouses (or is it titmice), sparrows, finches, bluejays and woodpeckers love it too. I will often see two and three birds on the suet feeder at one time (something I never saw with the store-bought ones).

I put a new cake out every morning. By evening most of it is gone, but enough remains to entice the coons to climb the tree during the night and raid what is left. Every morning I find the feeder on the ground with no suet left.

Yesterday I decided that I was going to fix that coon. I have a suet feeder with smaller mesh that would make it hard for him (or them) to get into. Not only that, I was going to hang it on a smaller branch, so they would have a harder time getting to the hanger.

I awoke this morning and looked out ... one suet feeder was down and the other was GONE. It seems that since the new suet feeder had smaller mesh, the coon decided to take it with him so he could eat at his leasure.

Here's what my feeders looked like yesterday (it's the one on the far right, with the tangerine, that got stolen):

From Simpli-Country

I looked all around the property after Pat left for work this afternoon and couldn't find it. If it is anywhere around, I'm sure Pat will find it for me (sigh). Although I'm great at finding most things, he seems to have a better knack at finding things that the critters haul off.

So I guess I'm down to one feeder once again. At least I'll find this one on the ground in the morning, instead of gone. Not that I really mind the coons eating the suet ... they have as much right as the birds and are just as cute. I just wish they would return the suet feeder ... so I can fill it for them again, LOL.

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